Sunday, June 21, 2009

Pictures of the kids

So I found a wonderful photographer that is great with kids and is really affordable. She took some fun pictures at her studio in her house and then we went to a fun little piece of property that had grass taller then Heidi. Not only did the kids have fun getting their picture taken but they loved running through the grass trying to find each other.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How big can we grow!

I'm really not someone who finds time to write but I'm trying to be better at this whole blogging thing. So I have to say Landen has been my easiest baby. The only time he cries is when he's hungry or wet and he can sleep through anything. The girls love having a little boy around and each of them has been such a huge help. MaKenna is my official diaper getter and she gets upset when someone else tries to do her job. Brianne & Heidi help with the feeding and burping and anything else I'll let them do.

We took Landen to his two week appointment yesterday and he's up to 8lbs 12oz, 21 1/2 inches long. He's in the 90% percentile for his height and 80% percentile for his weight. It's just crazy how big he's getting and how fast times going by.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


On February 24th at 2:42 p.m we added a new member to our family LANDEN JOHN. He came in weighing 8.8lbs and was 21 inches long. Mom and Landen are doing great!!!!! Mom getting ready Me putting on the first diaper
Three happy sisters!!! I just have to keep my eye on them so he doesn't end up with makeup and a dress on.

All 8.8lbs and 21 inches
Looking hot as always, Just 16hrs after giving birth